100% FREE Expense Tracking App

Transform the way you track and control your spending, with an expense tracking app that’s easy, reliable, and efficient.

Creating invoices from tracked expenses
  • Expenseroo expense tracker

    The better you track expenses

    The better you can plan for success

    Expenseroo helps you keep a close eye on your spending so you can gain insights that help you budget effectively, control costs, and make informed financial decisions to make your business succeed.

  • Managing expenses on the web

    Track expenses quickly and easily

    All it takes is a few taps

    No more sifting through piles of receipts or complicated spreadsheets. With a user-friendly and intuitive expense tracking app, you can manage your budget straightforward and stress-free. Capture receipts, categorize spending, and review your expenses all in one place.

  • Tracking expenses in real time

    Expense tracking on any device

    Flexibility on all fronts

    Whether you’re using your phone while travelling or your computer at your desk, you’ll have full access to your financial data anytime, anywhere. Stay organized and keep your spending in check with seamless synchronization across all your devices.

  • Creating different expense types for categorization

    Categorize expenses

    So you can track exactly where your money is going

    Easily sort your spending into custom categories, giving you a clear view of your financial habits. Whether it’s business travel, office supplies, or meals, you’ll know exactly how much is being spent and where so you can improve expense management.

  • Scanning receipts via mobile devices

    One-click receipt scanning

    Automate your entire expense tracking process

    By simply scanning expense receipts, Expenseroo instantly captures and categorizes your spending. This feature streamlines the entire process, making it quick and easy to maintain accurate expense logs and quickly verify transactions. 

  • Expense report template with budgeting

    Custom expense policies

    Keep spending in check according to company guidelines

    Set your own expense policy rules to automatically flag specific expenses for review. Whether it’s setting limits on spending categories or requiring approvals for high-cost items, you can ensure compliance and control across your organization. Custom policies make it easier to enforce company guidelines and keep spending in check.

  • Approving expenses on the web

    Streamlined expense approvals

    With delegated access

    Allow admins or managers to create, submit, or approve reports. You can also grant auditors review-only access to employee expense data, ensuring transparency and accountability without compromising security.

  • Track expenses in multiple currencies

    Multi-currency support

    For simplified global transactions

    Expenseroo’s expense tracking app allows you to manage and convert expenses from multiple currencies around the world with ease. Enjoy seamless transactions and accurate financial tracking, whether you’re dealing with local or international expenses.

  • Integrated expense tracker with other popular software

    Seamless integrations

    Connect with the accounting and HR apps you already use

    No need to switch between different platforms when tracking expenses. Expenseroo’s seamless integrations streamline your workflow by synchronizing data across platforms, reducing manual entry, and ensuring consistency.

  • Generating detailed expense reports on the web

    Better understand your cash flow

    With comprehensive expense reports

    Analyze trends, track expenses in detail, and stay on top of your budget. With expense reports, you can get a better view of your spending patterns, identify areas where you might be overspending, and make adjustments to keep your finances on track.

  • Getting started and onboarding users

    Ready to simplify expense tracking?

    Be one of the first to experience the next generation of expense tracking

    Discover how effortless managing your finances can be. Join our waitlist and be among the first to experience a smarter way to handle your expenses.

    Join the Waitlist Today!